oh the whiskey is floating, won't stay in me glass I'm weightless and spinning and drunk of me ass oh the whiskey is floating in a sphere o'er me head if we don't clear this wormhole we're surely be dead refrain: so reach for the whiskey boys reach for the stars They won't stop us drinking on Venus or mars so reach for the whiskey boys reach for the sky 'for the vacuum of space sucks the bottles all dry oh infinite booty awaits us in space we'll pillage and plunder with fervor and grace that's whats my astronomical unit is for let's party where no one has partied before refrain alone in the cockpit i gaze at the stars i drink and i think of my hooooooooome (he thinks of his home) (of my hooome) our thrusters are the hottest that you've ever felt they might just unbuckle your asteroid belt we're honing our moonwalking skills as we speak we'll dance on Uranus by this time next week refrain x2