If mamma was married, we'd live in a house As private as private can be Just mamma, three ducks, five canaries, A mouse Two monkeys, One father, Six turtles, and me If mamma was married If mamma was married, I'd jump in the air and give all my toeshoes to you I'd get all those hair ribbons out of my hair And once and for all, I'd get mamma out, too If mamma was married Mamma, Get out your white dress You've done it before without much success Mamma,godspeed and god bless We're not keeping score, whats one more or less? Oh, mamma, say yes And waltz down the aisle while you may I'll gladly support you I'll even escort you And I'll gladly give you away Oh, mamma, get married today If mamma was married, there wouldn't be any more Let me entertain you Let me make you smile I will do some kicks I will do some tricks Sing out Louise!Smile, baby! Mamma, please take our advice we aren't the Lunts I'm not Fanny Brice Mamma, we'll buy you the rice If only this once You wouldn't think twice It could be so nice if mamma got married to stay But mamma gets married and married and married And never gets carried away Oh, mamma Oh, mamma Oh, mamma get married today.