Are you read for Rock'n'Roll, motherfuckers?! Hey guys, I've seen you playin' on this fuckin' stage Your band reminds me of my grandpa shit Your boring sound castrates your songs Without balls you can't play R'N'R! Your friends seem to me as a pile of mud Trendy posers following the make up god You're the puppets of the music biz LBZ way, the real R'N'R! Listen to the Bastardz show The straight way to R'N'R! Hey dude how dare you call yourself musician? That's for sure if you'll write a song... I will call you? The Magician?!! So LBZ kick your ass! Dickhead!!! Listen to the Bastardz show The straight way to R'N'R! motherfucker...Rock'n'Roll! Listen to the Bastardz show The straight way to R'N'R!!