Quand tu me prends dans tes bras Tu me parles tout bas, Je vois la vie en rose. Tu me dis des mots d'amour, Des mots de tous les jours, Et ça me fait quelque chose. Tu es entrée dans mon cœur Une part de bonheur Dont je connais la cause. C'est toi pour moi, moi pour toi dans la vie, Tu me l'as dit, l'as juré pour la vie. Et dès que je t'aperçois Alors je sens en moi Mon cœur qui bat She's a wonder to me and When she comes over to me moving lightly with the band I feel a need come on I need to become her pawn And though I lead our turn around the dance floor She is an entreaty to me Mesmerizing and enticing me to see my partner as the queen of all my being I can't resist, she's a magnet that draws me, that thrills me and awes me Everything I hold dear is dancing right here beside me She's like a wish I made that somehow comes true every morning And brightens up my way And there's a shade of love in things that she'll say The bloom is on the roses every day for my love and so for me The dance is like a dream swaying and waving under golden stars The lights that sparkle in her eyes are emeralds and shiny diamonds Sparking up the night A dance of dreaming never felt so right