煌めくStar Light 暗闇の中で Melody奏でて I want nothing nothing just a better day. 夜風にそよぐ 木の葉のささやきに 導かれるように 一人で歩く それも悪くないね 目覚めてLet's go to my new world... 響いてくMusic of forest 悩みなんてFar away. Baby... 急がずにDon't lose oneself. That's good enough. Ah ah... 目を閉じListen... Then. 星空の下で Stay alone歩くよ I want nothing nothing just a better day. 道に迷っても 小鳥のさえずりの 聞こえてくる方へ 満月照らす 道を進んでくよ 平気さI'm okey now... oh yeah... 信じてくMy heart beat. Baby… 焦らずにGroovin' now. Baby... 感じるよMusic of nature. That's good enough. Ah ah... 響いてくMusic of forest 悩みなんてFar away. Baby... 急がずにDon't lose oneself. That's good enough. Ah ah... 信じてくMy heart beat. Baby... 焦らずにGroovin' now. Baby... 感じるよMusic of nature. That's good enough. Ah ah...