吐いた嘘は闇に溶けていく 曇のように頭上で曖昧に踊らされて いつまでも子供のままの あなたからしたら俺はなんなの? 許せなかった昨日のことも 明日笑い合えたらと思ってたけど 言葉はナイフのように刺さり 頭から離れないあの時のこと 傷を隠すようにそっと履歴を消す from my iPhone ああもういっそこのまま ずっとずっと遠くへ行こう もう見たくないよ、お前の顔 f*** you I don't feel a thing I despise you my life - you = :) to be fine I just wanna for get you so I threw all the s*** that you gave me gold chains but I like silver more (I'm done with all your s***) f*** you I hope you go and burn in hell you're dead to me and I swear it's not going back to how it was so get out of my face, will you? 愛は無いよもうここには 生きてるままdying 息を吸って吐いて 刺して流れた血を舐める 最低?;) 俺は妄想内でお前を殺して 笑顔で苦しめたい 全部お前のせい point a gun at your head また次の世でね I just wanna for get you so I threw all the s*** that you gave me gold chains but I like silver more (I'm done with all your s***) f*** you I hope you go and burn in hell you're dead to me and I swear it's not going back to how it was so get out of my face, will you? all the memories that I made with you… I despise you I despise you I despise you I just can't for give /forget all of the things that you did I just wanna for get you so I thre wall the s*** that you gave me gold chains but I like silver more (I'm done with all your s***) f*** you I hope you go and burn in hell you're dead to me and I swear it's not going back to how it was so get out of my face, will you? I'm done with all your s*** I just wanna forget...