その当時、『MUSIC STATION(通称Mステ)』に、B'zが出ており。
……見事に座席、2個取れました✧ \(°∀°)// ✧……
やはり、ファンクラブ会員の方々が優先的に、席を選ばれていた為、かなり後ろ(アリーナ席)でしたが……十二分に楽しめました‼️(❁´ ︶ `❁)*✲゚*
I have been to "B'z" live twice.
This playlist is a reproduction of one live among them almost as it is.
It was held on August 24, 2002 at Niigata Stadium (commonly known as Big Swan).
It's more than 20 years ago, so……
Please forgive me even if the songs and order have changed a little!!!