「Led Zeppelinのグルーヴの中核をなすボンゾのドラミングはもはや世界遺産です」菊地英二
01. The Battle of Evermore / 限りなき戦い (from “Led Zeppelin IV”)
02. Over the Hills and Far Away / 丘のむこうに (from “Houses of the Holy”)
03. Whole Lotta Love / 胸いっぱいの愛を (from “Led Zeppelin II”)
04. Thank you / サンキュー (from “Led Zeppelin II”)
05. The Rain Song / レイン・ソング (from “Houses of the Holy”)
06. All My Love / オール・マイ・ラヴ (from “In Through The Out Door”)
07. The Lemon Song / レモン・ソング (from “Led Zeppelin II”)
08. Tangerine / タンジェリン (from “Led Zeppelin III”)
09. Rock and Roll / ロックン・ロール (from “Led Zeppelin IV”)
10: Immigrant Song / 移民の歌 (from “Led Zeppelin III”)
11: The Song Remains the Same / 永遠の詩 (from “Houses of the Holy”)
12: Bonzo’s Montreux / モントルーのボンゾ (from “Coda”)