These songs were used when Shinji Nojima's world was depicted in TBS drama and NHK BS premium drama.
In many cases, these songs were selected by Akira Senju.
Below are the titles and dates of airing.
The ☆ mark is a drama in which Akira Senju was in charge of music.
〖TBS Drama〗
・1994 July 8-September 23
『人間・失格〜たとえばぼくが死んだら』 ☆
#2 #8 (Simon & Garfunkel)
・1995 October 13-December 22
『未成年』 ☆ #1 #7 (Carpenters)
・1999 October 15-December 17
『美しい人』 ☆ #3 (Jane Birkin)
・2001 January 12-March 16
『ストロベリー・オンザ・ショートケーキ』 ☆
#5 (ABBA)
〖NHK BS Premiere Drama〗
・2014 May 25-July 13
『プラトニック』 〈上野耕路〉
#4 #6 (Billy Joel)
Which do you like better, this playlist, ❶ or ❷……( '灬')???
There is also ❸,but……how about it???
(このPLAYLIST❶と❷、貴方はどちらが好きですか……(; ˙灬˙)???