2016年8月には『出れんの!?サマソニ!?』オーディションにて総勢3400 組の中からファイナリスト16組に選ばれBEACH賞を受賞!SUMMER SONIC 2016のBEACHステージへの出演を果たす。
2016年10月に自身初となるオフィシャルMIX作品『PROGRESSIVE TRAXX』をリリース。iTunesチャートで初日1位を獲得する功績を残した。
現在は渋谷の人気クラブ「club Camelot」「Atom Tokyo」「TK SHIBUYA」でレギュラーDJとして出演する他、「WOMB」「SEL OCTAGON TOKYO」でGUEST DJとして活躍。毎週多くの人気パーティ に出演している。
2018年12月にオリジナル楽曲『Senrigan』を皮切りに楽曲制作をスタートさせ、2019年11月に「HIGHER feat.Victria」がitunesチャート2位を獲得。
2020年「WITHOUT THE DREAM」を含む5曲のリリースが決定している!
DANCE MUSICを中心にFUTURE〜TECH 〜Progressive等HOUSEをプレイする。グルーヴ感のあるプレイと甘いマスクから男性のみならず、女性からも絶大な支持を集める。聴くものを魅了し、現在も成長をし続けている。若さ・ビジュアル・ 音楽センスどれをとってもズバ抜けた、次世代を担う期待のDJである。
Born and raised in Hokkaido, he created his own musical creativity through piano lessons during his childhood.
As he goes to college while building his DJ career, RYOYA began his career on August 2013 in Tokyo. RYOYA's sets were highly rated and earned countless appearances in major clubs real quick; he also played in one of Japan's best club 'WOMB' as most youngest DJ appearance.
On Fall 2013, RYOYA also performed at a run and dance event 'ELECTRO DASH' both in Tokyo and Osaka and easily rocked a crowd of 20,000 people. RYOYA also was chosen as finalist out of 3400 artists in a huge music audition held by Japan's biggest rock festival 'Summer Sonic' called 'Derenno!? Sama-soni!?' and achieved to perform in Summer Sonic on 2016. On the same year, he also released his very first original mix CD "PREGRESSIVE TRAXXX" and won 1st place on the iTunes dance chart the day he released his album.
He currently plays as resident DJ Friday at TK SHIBUYA and every Saturday & Sunday at club camelot
RYOYA also is in charge of one of Tokyo's number one weekday parties; he has no plan to stop his shine.
As an open format DJ, he plays any genre that the dance floor needs and is most specialized in EDM, TOP 40, Progressive House and Tech House. No one can replace RYOYA's very own groove he makes during his set and rocks any type of crowd given. RYOYA is ready to take over the club scene anytime, he is Tokyo's most wanted DJ from the upcoming generation.